Wed. Jul 3rd, 2024
When you’re looking for an orthodontist, there are some things you need to know. First of all, you have to find out what the average cost of orthodontic treatment is. The cost varies widely from one area to another and from one state to another. The following list of factors can affect your costs:
1) Insurance companies – Different insurance companies have different coverage for orthodontics. Some only cover certain types of braces or other appliances. Others do not cover any type of braces at all. Check with your insurance company before you choose an orthodontist.

2) Your age – Younger patients tend to get less expensive care than older patients. It’s a combination of two factors: younger people are usually in better health, and they also have more money to spend on their dental care.

3) The location of the practice – You may be able to find an orthodontist who has offices in multiple cities. This is good if you live in a large city, but bad if you live in a smaller town where you’ll have to drive farther to see a doctor.

4) The type of braces you want – If you want Invisalign, you should look for a practice that specializes in this type of appliance.

5) The amount of time the orthodontist wants to work on your teeth – Most orthodontists charge by the hour. If you need extensive work done, you may pay more per hour. However, if you don’t need much work done, you may pay less per hour.

6) The kind of treatment plan you want – If you want braces, you’ll probably pay more than if you just want cleanings.

7) Whether or not you need to make appointments – Some orthodontists will schedule appointments for you without charging extra. This is usually the case when you have a regular dentist and are seeing him for other things as well.

8) How long you’ve been waiting for treatment – If you have a long wait, you may pay more than if you’re waiting a few weeks or months.

9) The level of skill and experience of the orthodontist – If you want the best possible treatment, you may pay more than someone who is less skilled.

10) The reputation of the orthodontist for providing quality care – If you have a friend who has had his teeth straightened by this particular orthodontist, you’ll probably be able to save money by choosing this person.

Contact your local Affordable Braces Marlton for a free consultation at 856-512-1826 or visit us at

By Sal P